
Garri production equipment

garri production equipment
Garri production equipment

Cassava is a tuber crop native to South America.However, Nigeria is the world's leading producer.Cassava roots can be processed into several different products, which include garri, flour and starch. Garri is a creamy-white, granular flour with a slightly fermented flavor and a slightly sour taste made from fermented, gelatinized fresh cassava tubers. 
Processing garri need some equipment work together . The garri production equipment include the cassava peeling machine , cassava washing machine , cassava grating machine ,  hydraulic press , garri frying machine and sieving machine .

How to process garri from cassava by garri production equipment  ?

Processing garri from  cassava steps as below :
1.  Cassava peeling by garri production equipment 
Peel off the back of the cassava tubers. Try as much as possible not to peel too deep. Peeling cassava can be made by cassava peeling machine  machine . 

2. Cassava washing by garri production equipment
Wash the peeled tubers. Use a lot of water because this is the only washing you are going to do. Washing cassava can be made by cassava washing machine . 

3. Cassava grating by garri production equipment
Use the cassava grating machine to grate the peeled and washed cassava into cassava mash . 

garri production equipment
Cassava grating equipment for production of garri

 4. Fermentation  
After the grating process , the cassava mash  need to be packed in  bags and  for fermentation  2-3 days.

5.  Press de-watering  by garri production equipment
Press excess water out of cassava mash by hydraulic press machine  for de-watering cassava mash .

6.  Cake breaking and Sieving by garri production equipment
Using a wide sieve, sieving the wet cake into small pieces – known as grits and remove any fibrous material. 

7. Garri frying process of  by garri production equipment
Then, using a wide frying pan, fry the powder in reasonable portions until it becomes  dry and crispy product . Frying garri can be made by garri frying machine . 

8. Packing garri  by garri production equipment 
Pack your garri into bags and store in a dry,  cool place. The garri can be packed into 1 kg per bag, 2 kg per bag , 5 kg per bag or other packing requirement by the garri packing machine . 

More Information about our garri production equipment , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Title : 
Inquiry *

Garri handing equipment

garri handing equipment
Garri handing equipment

Cassava is a tuber crop native to South America.However, Nigeria is the world's leading producer.Cassava roots can be processed into several different products, which include garri, flour and starch. Garri is a creamy-white, granular flour with a slightly fermented flavor and a slightly sour taste made from fermented, gelatinized fresh cassava tubers. 
Processing garri need some equipment work together . The garri handing equipment include the cassava peeling machine , cassava washing machine , cassava grating machine ,  hydraulic press , garri frying machine and sieving machine .

How to process garri from cassava by garri handing equipment  ?

Processing garri from  cassava steps as below :
1.  Cassava peeling by garri handing equipment 
Peel off the back of the cassava tubers. Try as much as possible not to peel too deep. Peeling cassava can be made by cassava peeling machine  machine . 

2. Cassava washing by garri handing equipment
Wash the peeled tubers. Use a lot of water because this is the only washing you are going to do. Washing cassava can be made by cassava washing machine . 

3. Cassava grating by garri handing equipment
Use the cassava grating machine to grate the peeled and washed cassava into cassava mash . 

garri handing equipment
Cassava grating equipment for handing garri

 4. Fermentation  
After the grating process , the cassava mash  need to be packed in  bags and  for fermentation  2-3 days.

5.  Press de-watering  by garri handing equipment
Press excess water out of cassava mash by hydraulic press machine  for de-watering cassava mash .

6.  Cake breaking and Sieving by garri handing equipment
Using a wide sieve, sieving the wet cake into small pieces – known as grits and remove any fibrous material. 

7. Garri frying process of  by garri handing equipment
Then, using a wide frying pan, fry the powder in reasonable portions until it becomes  dry and crispy product . Frying garri can be made by garri frying machine . 

8. Packing garri  by garri handing equipment
Pack your garri into bags and store in a dry,  cool place. The garri can be packed into 1 kg per bag, 2 kg per bag , 5 kg per bag or other packing requirement by the garri packing machine . 

More Information about our garri handing equipment , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Title : 
Inquiry *

Garri manufacturing equipment

garri manufacturing  equipment
Garri manufacturing equipment

Cassava is a tuber crop native to South America.However, Nigeria is the world's leading producer.Cassava roots can be processed into several different products, which include garri, flour and starch. Garri is a creamy-white, granular flour with a slightly fermented flavor and a slightly sour taste made from fermented, gelatinized fresh cassava tubers. 
Manufacturing garri need some equipment work together . The garri manufacturing equipment include the cassava peeling machine , cassava washing machine , cassava grating machine ,  hydraulic press , garri frying machine and sieving machine .

How to manufacture garri from cassava by garri manufacturing equipment  ?

Manufacturing garri from  cassava steps as below :
1.  Cassava peeling by garri manufacturing equipment
Peel off the back of the cassava tubers. Try as much as possible not to peel too deep. Peeling cassava can be made by cassava peeling machine  machine . 

2. Cassava washing by garri manufacturing equipment
Wash the peeled tubers. Use a lot of water because this is the only washing you are going to do. Washing cassava can be made by cassava washing machine . 

3. Cassava grating by garri manufacturing equipment
Use the cassava grating machine to grate the peeled and washed cassava into cassava mash . 

garri manufacturing equipment
Cassava grating equipment for manufacturing garri

 4. Fermentation  
After the grating process , the cassava mash  need to be packed in  bags and  for fermentation  2-3 days.

5.  Press de-watering  by garri manufacturing equipment
Press excess water out of cassava mash by hydraulic press machine  for de-watering cassava mash .

6.  Cake breaking and Sieving by garri manufacturing equipment
Using a wide sieve, sieving the wet cake into small pieces – known as grits and remove any fibrous material. 

7. Garri frying process of  by garri manufacturing equipment
Then, using a wide frying pan, fry the powder in reasonable portions until it becomes  dry and crispy product . Frying garri can be made by garri frying machine . 

8. Packing garri  by garri manufacturing equipment 
Pack your garri into bags and store in a dry,  cool place. The garri can be packed into 1 kg per bag, 2 kg per bag , 5 kg per bag or other packing requirement by the garri packing machine . 

More Information about our garri manufacturing equipment , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Title : 
Inquiry *

Garri producing equipment

garri producing  equipment
Garri producing equipment

Cassava is a tuber crop native to South America.However, Nigeria is the world's leading producer.Cassava roots can be processed into several different products, which include garri, flour and starch. Garri is a creamy-white, granular flour with a slightly fermented flavor and a slightly sour taste made from fermented, gelatinized fresh cassava tubers. 
Producing garri need some equipment work together . The garri producing equipment include the cassava peeling machine , cassava washing machine , cassava grating machine ,  hydraulic press , garri frying machine and sieving machine .

How to produce garri from cassava by garri producing equipment  ?

Producing garri from  cassava steps as below :
1.  Cassava peeling by garri producing equipment 
Peel off the back of the cassava tubers. Try as much as possible not to peel too deep. Peeling cassava can be made by cassava peeling machine  machine . 

2. Cassava washing by garri producing equipment
Wash the peeled tubers. Use a lot of water because this is the only washing you are going to do. Washing cassava can be made by cassava washing machine . 

3. Cassava grating by garri producing equipment
Use the cassava grating machine to grate the peeled and washed cassava into cassava mash . 

garri producing  equipment
Cassava grating equipment for producing garri

 4. Fermentation  
After the grating process , the cassava mash  need to be packed in  bags and  for fermentation  2-3 days.

5.  Press de-watering  by garri producing equipment
Press excess water out of cassava mash by hydraulic press machine  for de-watering cassava mash .

6.  Cake breaking and Sieving by garri producing equipment
Using a wide sieve, sieving the wet cake into small pieces – known as grits and remove any fibrous material. 

7. Garri frying process of  by garri producing equipment
Then, using a wide frying pan, fry the powder in reasonable portions until it becomes  dry and crispy product . Frying garri can be made by garri frying machine . 

8. Packing garri  by garri producing equipment
Pack your garri into bags and store in a dry,  cool place. The garri can be packed into 1 kg per bag, 2 kg per bag , 5 kg per bag or other packing requirement by the garri packing machine . 

More Information about our garri producing equipment , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Title : 
Inquiry *

Garri making equipment

garri making equipment
Garri making equipment

Cassava is a tuber crop native to South America.However, Nigeria is the world's leading producer.Cassava roots can be processed into several different products, which include garri, flour and starch. Garri is a creamy-white, granular flour with a slightly fermented flavor and a slightly sour taste made from fermented, gelatinized fresh cassava tubers. 
Making garri need some equipment work together . The garri making equipment include the cassava peeling machine , cassava washing machine , cassava grating machine ,  hydraulic press , garri frying machine and sieving machine .

How to make garri from cassava by garri making equipment  ?

Making garri from  cassava steps as below :
1.  Cassava peeling by garri making equipment 
Peel off the back of the cassava tubers. Try as much as possible not to peel too deep. Peeling cassava can be made by cassava peeling machine  machine . 

2. Cassava washing by garri making equipment
Wash the peeled tubers. Use a lot of water because this is the only washing you are going to do. Washing cassava can be made by cassava washing machine . 

3. Cassava grating by garri making equipment
Use the cassava grating machine to grate the peeled and washed cassava into cassava mash . 

garri making equipment
Cassava grating equipment for make garri

 4. Fermentation  
After the grating process , the cassava mash  need to be packed in  bags and  for fermentation  2-3 days.

5.  Press de-watering  by garri making equipment
Press excess water out of cassava mash by hydraulic press machine  for de-watering cassava mash .

6.  Cake breaking and Sieving by garri making equipment
Using a wide sieve, sieving the wet cake into small pieces – known as grits and remove any fibrous material. 

7. Garri frying process of  by garri making equipment
Then, using a wide frying pan, fry the powder in reasonable portions until it becomes  dry and crispy product . Frying garri can be made by garri frying machine . 

8. Packing garri  by garri making equipment
Pack your garri into bags and store in a dry,  cool place. The garri can be packed into 1 kg per bag, 2 kg per bag , 5 kg per bag or other packing requirement by the garri packing machine . 

More Information about our garri making equipment , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Title : 
Inquiry *

Garri processing equipment

garri processing equipment
Garri processing equipment 

Cassava is a tuber crop native to South America.However, Nigeria is the world's leading producer.Cassava roots can be processed into several different products, which include garri, flour and starch. Garri is a creamy-white, granular flour with a slightly fermented flavor and a slightly sour taste made from fermented, gelatinized fresh cassava tubers. 
Processing garri need some equipment  work together . The garri processing equipment  include the cassava peeling machine , cassava washing machine , cassava grating machine ,  hydraulic press , garri frying machine and sieving machine .

How to process garri from cassava by garri processing equipment   ?

Processing garri from  cassava steps as below :
1.  Cassava peeling by garri processing equipment  
Peel off the back of the cassava tubers. Try as much as possible not to peel too deep. Peeling cassava can be made by cassava peeling machine  machine . 

2. Cassava washing by garri processing equipment 
Wash the peeled tubers. Use a lot of water because this is the only washing you are going to do. Washing cassava can be made by cassava washing machine . 

3. Cassava grating by garri processing equipment 
Use the cassava grating machine to grate the peeled and washed cassava into cassava mash . 

garri processing machine
Cassava grating machine for make garri

 4. Fermentation  
After the grating process , the cassava mash  need to be packed in  bags and  for fermentation  2-3 days.

5.  Press de-watering  by garri processing equipment 
Press excess water out of cassava mash by hydraulic press machine  for de-watering cassava mash .

6.  Cake breaking and Sieving by garri processing equipment 
Using a wide sieve, sieving the wet cake into small pieces – known as grits and remove any fibrous material. 

7. Garri frying process of  by garri processing equipment 
Then, using a wide frying pan, fry the powder in reasonable portions until it becomes  dry and crispy product . Frying garri can be made by garri frying machine . 

8. Packing garri  by garri processing equipment 
Pack your garri into bags and store in a dry,  cool place. The garri can be packed into 1 kg per bag, 2 kg per bag , 5 kg per bag or other packing requirement by the garri packing machine . 

More Information about our garri processing equipment  , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Title : 
Inquiry *