
Cassava starch processing

In the cassava starch processing it is vital to complete the whole process within the shortest time possible, since as soon as the roots have been dug up, as well as during each of the subsequent stages of manufacture, enzymatic processes are apt to develop with a deteriorating effect on the quality of the end product.

Here is the description of cassava starch processing:

(1) Raw material receiving and belt conveying: The cassava/tapioca is carried and transported on the conveyer.

(2) Water cleaning and destoning : The water will wash the potato and destoning during the process of conveying.

(3) Crushing: The crushing unit is the most important step for extracting cassava starch. Highly-efficient crushing machine will release the starch in cassavas at most.

(4) Centrifugal extracting:The cassava starch slurry and residue  will be separated from the starch milk.

(5) Desanding: Removing the sand in the starch slurry.

(6) Concentration and refining:Working through the hydroclone, there are 2 steps, including concentration and refining so that we can get purier starch slurry.

(7) Vacuum dewatering: The starch slurry is pumped into inlet tank of vacuum dewatering machine. Then the vacuum rotary drum will adsorb the starch on the drum surface and the filtrate is transferred out of the system by filtrate pump. The filter cake on the drum will be peeled off by peeler and then transferred to the air dryer by screw conveyor.

(8) Air-stream drying: After dewatering process, the air dryer will dry the starch to the required moisture of the commercial starch.


The roots are normally received from the field as soon as possible after harvest and cannot be stored for more than three days. Since the presence of woody matter or stones may seriously interfere with the rasping process by stoppage or by breaking the blades, the woody ends of the roots are chopped off with sharp knives before the cassava starch processing.

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