
Air steam dryer machine

Air steam dryer machine

Air steam dryer machine

All the parts of  air steam dryer machine is made of stainless steel material. The air steam dryer machine with drying high strength, large capacity, fast drying, the product does not affect the color .

The air steam dryer machine with dedicated cyclone separator,  high separation efficiency, long life,  with national health standards; internal easy cleaning, ease of maintenance repairs.

The air steam dryer machine with low steam consumption ,  assigned full set of temperature sensors, keep abreast of equipment operation.

The air steam dryer machine with optional intelligent control system, including temperature, moisture monitoring, automatic valve, will keep monitoring the quality of products according to client requirements.

The air steam dryer machine is popular used in the cassava starch processing plant , cassava flour processing plant .

More Information about our air steam dryer machine , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.cassavaprocessingplant.com

