
Cassava starch production line

Cassava starch drying machine

Cassava starch production line adopts a full set of advanced and mature Europe technology, combined with equipment manufactured in China in accordance with European standards, enabling the production to achieve the most cost effective.

The main processing machines of cassava starch production line and its functions is as below :

1. Cassava cleaning and washing section: 
Belt conveyor for transport the cassava from one machine to another machine.
Dry cleaning machine for get rid of the soil or mud on the surface of cassava.
Washing machine for washing the cassava to get cleaned cassava .

2. Cassava crushing and milling section:
Knife type crusher for cutting full cassava into small pieces .
Hammer mill for milling the small cassava pieces into cassava slurry to release the starch .

3.Slurry and residue separation section:
Centrifugal sieve for separating residue from the cassava slurry. 
Pressure sieve for separating the fine or tiny fiber from slurry. 

4. De-sanding section:
De-sanding cyclone uses the unique water separation system to guarantee the discharge and not leaking starch

5. Starch milk refining section:
Hydro cyclone groups optimized various processes, completely replaced the disc separator, concentrated and washing better

6. De-watering section:
Vacuum dehydrator remove most of the water of the starch milk to get the wet starch( moisture is around 38%) .

7. Starch drying section :
Starch drying machine can dry cassava to moisture to 13%~14% at low temperature.
Patented starch drying machine can dry the starch at low temperature , so it can reduce steam consumption that other kind starch drying machine.

Our company can supply the complete set cassava starch production line according to customer requirement. 
More Information , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com

